Monday, April 4, 2011

So you've made it Inworld, now what?

There's nothing like being dropped into a random Welcome Island! (Sarcasm.) I know you're probably standing there trying to figure out all the controls completely clueless as to what to do next. Doesn't it help that everyone around you is new too? Haha, welcome to the bottom of the food chain, Noob.

Wait! It's ok, I'm going to help. The first thing everyone will tell you is to turn off you're typing animation because you look like an idiot. At the top click [Me] > [Preferences] > [Text Chat] > Then under "Chat Options" uncheck the box labeled "Play typing animation when chatting."

Now I want you to meet your new best friends:

1. The Lucky Chair
     Periodically, a random "Magic letter" is selected - this letter is displayed above the chair. If a person sits in the chair whose first name matches the current magic letter, they win a (owner-supplied) prize.

2. The Midnight Mania Board
     For each unique avatar who clicks the board, the counter rises by one. If the counter reaches the target before the stroke of midnight (SL time), then everybody who has participated will win the prize. If the target is missed, the counter resets to zero and an IM is sent to all participants encouraging them to try again the next day.

And here's where to find some of them:
Here Comes Trouble Hair!
A Wild Hair
Vixen Hair
Bitch Tail Clothing
SZD Fashion
AXE Wear
Beautiful Dirty Rich
WoE Clothing
Exodi Clothing & Accessories
Palamos Island Shopping Mall

[SLURLs are up to date as of posting.]

If you still need a little extra help, feel free to contact me Inworld!

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